At Dynamic Balance, our approach is flexible, open, and customized to meet the unique needs of the individuals and families we serve.
Established in 2015, we believe in the natural, innate human capacity for positive growth and change throughout life. We meet our clients of all ages, from babies to elders, in a spirit of collaboration and curiosity.
The approach we take is dynamic—constantly evolving in the moment. Based on our years of witnessing transformation, we trust in this process.
Meet Our Team
Kathie Brown

Kathie Brown is a registered Occupational Therapist through the College of Occupational Therapists in Nova Scotia. She holds a Master of Science degree in occupational therapy from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Kathie has worked as a play and movement-based pediatric occupational therapist for more than 25 years, and has completed extensive training in Sensory Integration Therapy, Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT), and Embodied Developmental Movement.
Kathie is a registered Somatic Movement Educator through the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA). After many years of experience in eastern and western body-mind practices, she completed her training in somatics through the School for Body-Mind Centering in 2014. Kathie is deeply committed to ongoing study that supports blending occupational therapy with somatic movement education—she is still learning all the time!
Jan Cressman
Counselling Psychotherapist, MA, CCC
Jan Cressman is certified as a Counselling Psychotherapist through the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Contemplative Counselling from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Jan has worked as a psychotherapist serving children, adolescents, adults, couples and families for over 30 years. In addition, Jan provides mindfulness-based supervision and support for people in the helping professions, working with clients individually as well as in groups.
Over the years Jan has taught meditation to groups in North America and Europe, and provided individual meditation instruction to many. Jan’s present-centered, non-judgemental approach to therapy is refreshing and clear.

Working Together
The story of Dynamic Balance is the story of a dream come true. We (Kathie and Jan) have each had rewarding ongoing careers in the helping professions. At some point after we joined in a relationship as life partners, we considered what would be the most supportive model and environment for providing the best service to our clients in our respective fields. Dynamic Balance, founded in 2015, is the result of that consideration, and it continues to evolve in exciting ways! We are grateful to be able to serve our community through Dynamic Balance.
Our purpose-shaped space
Occupational and play therapy with Kathie takes place in the first Sensory Integration treatment play-scape in the Maritimes. We also have a lending library with great resources to learn more at home.

Counselling sessions with Jan take place in an inviting, comfortable setting.

Are your services covered by insurance?
It depends on the specifics of your plan. Check with your provider to find out for sure.
I am interested in a particular modality of occupational therapy or counselling, can you provide it?
As therapists with decades of experience, we have trained in many methods not listed here. Please ask us, and if we can’t provide it hopefully we can point you in the right direction!
Do I need a doctor's referral?
No, a doctor’s referral is not necessary. Self-referrals are welcome.
What is occupational therapy and how can it benefit my child?
Play is a key occupation for children, and for this reason it is often the springboard of therapy. Skills for relating to self and others, moving in the world with ease, and developing new abilities can be uncovered through play-based occupational therapy. Occupational therapists are expert in focusing on the development of specific skills while maintaining a holistic view that supports healthy participation in life.
Can you diagnose me or my child?
No, it is not within the scope of an occupational therapist or counselling therapist to diagnose any condition. Our focus is not on pathology, and we provide neurodiversity-affirming care.
What is sensory integration?
Sensory integration refers to how we experience, interpret, organize, and respond to information coming in through our senses. It develops naturally during ordinary childhood activities for most people. For those with sensory integration challenges, the world may feel overwhelming and lead to a feeling of “sensory overload.” It is common for children with sensory processing difficulties to have a combination of over-sensitivities and under-sensitivities to different types of sensory input. Therapy can help with modulation, motor-planning, and self-regulation. It is a specialized treatment provided by occupational therapists with advanced training.
What about online sessions?
We prefer in person sessions, but if you live far from the centre online meetings are possible for adults in counselling. For children, in-person sessions are highly recommended, though there could be times for exceptions. If you are driving a long distance for sessions for your child, we can do the initial intake and parent meetings online or by phone.
Can you provide a written assessment?
We don’t provide formal evaluations in general, but if a written assessment is needed, we can provide one that fits your situation. This is billed at our hourly rates.
Can you do home visits?
Home visits are possible on an occasional basis when a unique situation calls for this. For families with babies, a home visit can be very helpful.
Will you communicate with other providers?
All of our services are completely confidential. If you would like us to communicate with anyone else, you can sign a consent form, and we will honor your wishes in terms of what is shared, and for what purpose.
Can I learn how to meditate during my counselling sessions?
Yes, Jan is thoroughly trained in meditation and contemplative psychotherapy and can blend both in the therapeutic process.
I am a parent of a child who has sensory issues or is neurodivergent and I've noticed that I have some of the same issues myself. Do you provide OT for adults?
Yes, this is an emerging area of practice as more parents are asking this question! Please let us know if you are interested in learning more.
What is somatics?
Somatics is a field of movement studies that foregrounds the internal physical sensations, perceptions, and experiences of the body. It is an embodied exploration of the dynamic relationship between movement and consciousness. Supporting the developmental process of babies and children is an exciting application of this field of inquiry.
How do I get started?
Fill out the contact form or phone or email us directly.
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